these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

Jan 16, 2009

at home...

another great day today guys! that's like... 14 good days in a row now. ever since the new year arrived i've just been feeling at the top of my game, hopeful, driven, and happy.

i shipped the embroidered territories off to chicago today (YAY!), went for a nice long hike in the vineyards outside calistoga, and spent the last 2 or so hours working on the new painting. it's really coming along quite nicely. so nicely, in fact, that the fear of messing up has kicked in... which isn't really a good thing. you tend not to take risks and make discoveries when you get too precious about whatever it is you're working on. at least i do. i'm just gonna have to shrug it off and keep going.

i also got these super sweet and creepy broken porcelain dolls i ordered in the mail today:

(photo courtesy of FOUNDLINGS)

they are so precious! instant keepsakes! i got them from FOUNDLINGS if you're interested in getting yourself something along these lines. shelley, the sweetheart who runs the shop, is so kind and shipped these to me so quickly. her shop is full of strange things and she's got a wonderful eye for romantic objects with a history.

i also listed a few new pieces at little black fences, my shop. its really starting to pull together. the shop is curated pretty well and is heading in a direction that i'm kinda proud of. and with 28 or so pieces in the inventory, i think i'm pretty well stocked. let me know what you think. critique is always welcome.

i'm gonna head back in to the studio for a bit more painting before i curl up with my book and my man-piece.

hope everyone is safe and feeling happy.



Unknown said...

I think those dolls are just adorable, but then I've always had a thing for turn of the century-type antique dolls... with our without their arms and legs!

Glad you are having a fabulous new year. I hope the rest is good as well!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog! You are more than welcome to steal my Monthly Goals idea :D Also - I tried to visit your blog from the comment you left, but it said 'blog not found'...
I've been feeling the same as you so far, about the new year - everything seems to be going right! I love it! I've only had good days :D Hope it stays that way for you!
Oh, and those porcelain dolls are creepy, but in a cool, tragic sort of way...

angela simione said...

glad to hear it, shells! so many people seem to feel so much more positive and uplifted since the new year began - and sometimes a new outlook makes a world of difference. whatever it is, i'm enjoying it and hope it keeps on rolling. all my best to you! thanks!

angela simione said...

elegant snobbery -

yeah, i've got a big ol'soft spot for broken stuff too. tragically romantic, i suppose... but i'm glad your on the that team with me. :)