these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

May 12, 2009


ah, the pleasures of the artist ego...
i'm suddenly having one of those "maybe i shouldn't have said that" days when you second-guess yourself (or at least how you've presented yourself) at every turn. one of those days when i worry that i've stuck my foot in my mouth somehow, or that i didn't respond to an email quickly enough, or that i didn't use the correct lingo, or that i've over-looked something important and will spend the rest of the day walking around feeling embarrassed of myself. it's probably due to the fact that i've got a job interview later today and, for however charming and confident i appear, those things are nerve-wracking. interviews are scary. i always end up thinking i wore the wrong dress, said the wrong thing, giggled when i shouldn't have, or that i somehow managed to offend the person i'm supposed to be trying to impress. i end up cringing at myself as i make the long, self-conscious walk back to the car. this interview is particularly daunting because i really, really, really want this job. it's in my field, it's a prestigious place, and the fact that (if i get it) i'd be working in an environment where my degree would be appreciated has got my guts tied up in knots. i mean, there's not many jobs in the world where a degree in painting earns respect and having a job like that would be amazing. so... i'm on edge and feeling a bit over-sensitive, i suppose. things that wouldn't usually worry me, are. good thing i've got a couple hours to go. i need a long, hot shower and maybe even a quick jog around the block.


Hannah Stephenson said...

Good luck!

Don't worry--they want to talk to you (they called you!). Just be yourself and you'll be great.

Maybe you already know this, but I didn't until recently--a friend of mine told me to write a thank you note directly after the interview, and mail it on the way out so that it gets there the very next day.

You'll do great! :)

angela simione said...

thank you! i needed the vote of confidence!

that's a wonderful idea and i will definitely use it. :)

Heather Jerdee said...

Oh I'm thinking good thoughts for you! And I'm sure you'll do or did great. I've been feeling overly sensitive today and yesterday but I'm sure it's hormones :)arghh Reading about how you've been waking up early is inspiring Angela and even though I love sleep, reading about how your getting your art and exercise done sounds like a really good thing.

sMacThoughts said...

I send you strong positive energy...SO hope they are smart enough to choose you!!!

angela simione said...


i love sleep too. this is a whole new thing for me. i am a total night-owl. it's just been working out so well! who knew! i messed up and slept in a bit today but i'll be back on the early-bird train tomorrow morning. coffee has become my bestest best friend.

angela simione said...


thank you, thank you, thank you! :) it went really, really well. my finger's are crossed and i'm hoping for the best.