10" x 10"
oil on canvas, 2011
(first oil painting of 2011)
sweater* and 5 foot tall human skull painting** (in progress)
*the sweater might look pretty familiar to the crocheters in the room. my first run at one of the projects in debbie stoller's The Happy Hooker. i'm working on my 2nd attempt now. amending the design, personalizing the fit, working out a prototype of my own. :) also, this is one of my New Year's Resolutions that has been satisfied: make a sweater. and i must say i am addicted. it's very happy-making even if the sweater is sorta screwy.
**that's my refrigerator it's leaning against just to give you a sense of scale. pretty big. pretty nice. one layer of paint so far but it's already a beauty.
I heard it said and find it true of you - when you walk into a room the temperture (having a mind block on the spelling of that) drops 10degrees because you are so cool!
AHHHHHHHHH! hahahahahahaha! marta, i love that! i have to steal it! hahahaha! thank you, sweetheart! you made me crack up! :D
Incredible. Effing fucking incredible.
hahahaha!!! "effing fucking"! ahahahahahahahahahaha! thank you!
haven't said hi in so long
i'm sorry
i miss you
you're awesome
i like everything you do
ANA!!!!! i miss you too! but don't be sorry, life is crazy and i have a valentine for you. send me an email letting me know where to send it.
thank you, sweet girl!
HI Ana C. I miss you too! I granted you permissions to read my blog. All you have to do is type in your email and that should be it. Just wanted to let you know. Angela! Sorry to piggy back on your post.
wv : somangl
all it's missing is two Es
some angel
rebecca, you are always welcome to use my place whenever you want for whatever you need! always! you live in the Blackland too. <3
some angel. i love that! hahaha!
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