these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

Nov 1, 2009

hello november!

yesterday for halloween we actually went and looked at a house. yep. no realtor, just us, trespassing. it's a red log cabin tucked up against a mountain by the russian river. we drove over a huge old steel bridge to get to it and vineyards all around. the house has a black pot-belly wood-burning stove. we could make fires if we lived there. we could chop wood and go shopping for axes if we lived there. and the roof was pitched and beautiful. all the wood on the interior had been painted white and there were all those cute and cozy little built-in things- nooks! i love nooks! and in the tiny rear courtyard there was a claw foot bathtub - outside! - which was plumbed in! this is actually the major selling point with my sweetie- an excuse for outdoor nudity. ha! and being butted up against the mountains like that means no one would be the wiser anyway and my virtue would stay intact. :) we looked and looked and re-looked in all the windows, going around and around and around the house, peering and poking and tip-toeing just like little kids, just like the trespassers we are. we left our nose prints on every single window. we were there so long that i had to go around to the side of the house and pee. and we daydreamed the whole time we were there and for the rest of the day too. when i woke up this morning, my sweetie was looking at it online. :) very cute and so much fun to think about. i couldn't fall asleep to save my life last night. i was having way too much fun fantasizing about interior design and all that stuff. nesting, nesting, nesting. ha! i called the realtor and set up an appointment to view the home later this coming week. as long as the roof and foundation are sound and there's been no crazy pest damage, we're gonna put a bid in on it. first time buyers. our first real home. if we get it. but even if we don't, it makes my heart well up with love just dreaming of it. love for my sweetie, love for my life, for the life we're chasing, for inga, for her bouncing prancing self, our little kookie family and the drive to keep it happy, keep it safe, and to honor it with everything i've got.

just thinking about it, dreaming this way, makes me zone in on the fact that i am truly in love with a great many things. a pretty good little halloween.


Chinchilla F. Jolene said...
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Radish King said...

Sorry that was my cat posting from her account. What I said was that the house sounds gorgeous and perfect. Good luck!

wv: tuscin almost Tuscany which is exactly what I thought of when I read your description.

angela simione said...

oh, it's so sweet and cozy! it would be just right. i hope there's nothing horrible happening inside the walls or anything. fingers crossed! ;)