these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

Jun 18, 2009

and the secret finally comes out...

so about three months ago i started dropping hints that something really wonderful had happened. that's when all the chardonnay drinking started. ha! well, i finally got clearance from my gallery today that i can let the cat out of the bag and stick this new info on my resume:

a painting by yours truly is one of the most recent acquisitions of the Microsoft Art Collection.


i was completely flabbergasted when i first got the call that this was about to happen. completely awe-struck and dumb-founded and speechless. i was wearing a cheesy grin for an effing month! i mean, what did i do to deserve such an amazing honor? i was beside myself. completely. and i still kind of am. it seems completely unreal to me. entirely mysterious and graceful and humbling. i still don't really know how to talk about it or what to think. all i know is that i am intensely thankful. so so so completely full of gratitude and appreciation. it is an amazing act of support and a huge dose of self-confidence to my path and practice (and self).

so without further ado, this is the piece... courtesy of the Microsoft Art Collection (hee hee hee - it feels really good to say that!).

Anonymous Girl 2
oil on canvas (9 panels)
12" x 89"
angela simione, 2008


Heather Jerdee said...

Whooot Congrats and Cheers :) And those 9 panels are frickin awesome!!!

Radish King said...

This is amazing. I can honestly say that aside from the money, the art on the Microsoft campus was the one thing that made working there bearable. And the fact that a lot of the art was actually local made it even better.

This is so really wonderful and amazing. Every building there btw, is filled with truly wonderful art. There is a graffiti covered piece of the Berlin wall there, but I digress.

There was a huge painting by a Japanese artist in the lobby of my building. And I mean it was huge, covering almost the entire wall. It was a big splash of red on white, but that splash of red was painted with little tiny brush strokes, each stroke going in a different direction. Every day that I went to work, I stood in front of that painting and marveled. I tried to show what I found in it to my boss but she ignored it, said it looked like the Nike Swoosh. I tried to show her the quarter inch brush strokes, but she didn't care.

Also, every lunch time I went for a walk through the buildings (especially the big conference room) looking at the art in them. I'm pretty sure I saw all of it in my time there.

HUGE congrats to you, dear.


angela simione said...

thanks heather! it's a piece that is very personal and i feel so lucky that it has found such a wonderful new home for itself.

angela simione said...


i would LOVE to go see the campus. absoulutely LOVE! when i first got the news, i rushed immediately to the collection's website but ofcourse you can't access the entire collection. but there was this huge, beautiful louise bourgious painting on the first page of the website and it floored me. the painting AND the fact that now a work by little ol' me is hanging in the same venue as one of my all-time favorite artists, idols, and inspirations. i have no words for this. i'm pretty shocked by the whole thing, actually. stunned and stunned again. believe me, it was HARD keeping this to myself for so long. it feels so good to finally be able to shout it out. i'm trying to plan a trip to go tour the campus and see my painting's new home but it'll be quite a few months before that dream becomes a possibility. it'll be a dream i chase down and nail to the ground though. the collection is just too awesome not to go see. i think it's so wonderful that you gave so much time to looking at it and letting the work be a comfort to you.