these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

Apr 23, 2009

in fog...

i put on my grey dress and we walked through the vineyard fog. the poppies still sleeping, but strange, wakeful birds clicked in the tall trees. i brought the fog home with me, cloaked these daughters in it, and remembered my long lost sunday dresses...

my sister and i posed together
in simple frocks our mother made-
up all night at her sewing machine,
without our father
and brother,
without without without...

but we make progress here...

sunday 3 (sheep in fog)- in progress shot
30" x 40"
oil on canvas

number three in this strange series. these two sisters appearing on there own... unexpected. in my work, two girls have always signals me and my sister, and this painting in particular makes me miss her company more than i usually do- that strange tie that keeps us, makes us. we are very different girls but not separate in the least, standing close to keep the secrets from spilling out, to keep from feeling afraid, and the only time in my life i was not afraid of the dark was when we were young and small and shared a room, sleeping safe in bunk beds...

and now these weird years when a person begins to look back, picking through memories and wondering if those times were real or dreamed, and the last line of a plath poems flashes in the brush and the canvas finds its name before it finds its finish...


The hills step off into whiteness.
People or stars
Regard me sadly, I disappoint them.

The train leaves a line of breath.
O slow
Horse the colour of rust,

Hooves, dolorous bells-
All morning the
Morning has been blackening,

A flower left out.
My bones hold a stillness, the far
Fields melt my heart.

They threaten
To let me through to a heaven
Starless and fatherless, a dark water.

-Sylvia Plath
from Ariel


Radish King said...

Is this painting titled Sheep in Fog? I do hope so. I've used that line in one of my novelsl, sort of..


The women stood a good distance from the door. Their breath formed a mist over their heads as they smoked and talked. Nadine thought they looked like a small herd of upright sheep and wished she could photograph them. They put off going in as long as possible. This would be the last breath of outside air they'd get for the rest of the day. Nadine nodded hello, when the two-minute bell rang, signaling the women to start their shift. They walked in the door and boarded the freight elevator. Nadine held her breath.From Bunny

angela simione said...

it is tiltled sheep in fog. :)

what's the name of this novel?

Radish King said...


Radish King said...

ps. You can find the first chapter here, though it's old and has been violently revised since it was published.

JennyTheArtist said...

What a wonderful painting! You have such an eye for cropping, that really leaves you wanting more. ps: I found your blog link via your great etsy shop!

angela simione said...


thank you so much! yay! i'm so glad you like it. and i always wonder how people stumble across my blog. thanks for letting me know. and i'm glad you like the shop. i'm still working at curating it but i think it's finally starting to come together. :)

angela simione said...


i'm going to send you an email about it.
