these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

Mar 30, 2010


deleuze and guattari make my brain turn to either soup or puke. bruno, i need you! help me understand d&g!


Elisabeth said...

I'd started to comment on your last two posts, Angela and ran out of time. I'll try to get back to them. I can't keep up with you. you are so prolific in your writing and art.

On top of that I wonder how you manage all this reading. The only D and G I've read is on the rhizome, which I love, but otherwise, I have decided at my veneranble age to read only stuff that is accessible.

A friend once told me one of he reasons the French philosophers are so difficult for many English speakers is because they have been translated. There may be some truth to this.

Secondary sources that better explain these theorists can also be a good place to start and then you can go back to the original if you so desire with an initial understanding. I've dine that with Julia Kristeva and Helene Cixous.

I think you need a particular mind set to absorb these amazing and wonderful thinkers and it is an acquired skill. So don't berate yourself too much if you find it hard going. You're not alone.

angela simione said...

hi elisabeth, i definitely think there's something to the fact that their work exists for me in translation. i'm sure its lost some of the intention and expression that exists in its original form, the mother tongue. i will look in to secondary sources and essays about their work. i think this is a wonderful suggestion.

and to be honest... i'm probably not as prolific as i seem. ha! i'm reading d&g 5 slow pages at a time and take lots of breaks from it. sometimes weeks. the other stuff i'm reading is just so good and so timely that i can't pull away from it! there been a lot of nights lately where i decide to forgo adequate sleep so that i can finish the book. :) also, the trade for being rich in time is being broke. hahahaha! but it's a wonderful sacrifice, i think... at least at this point in my life. i don't mind financial struggle all that much, especially since it allows me to spend so much time inside the artistic struggle. i think it a very fair trade.

oh! and please DO come back! i always love your thoughts and insights and suggestions! <3

Roz Ito said...

i know what you mean about soup/puke! they make my brain leaketh like crazy. and the leakage even produces tributary leakages, like a leaky brain rhizome! sometimes i try to pretend d&g is like listening to poetry, just to get my brain to advance down the page.

the other day i had this thought when i read your comment about reading d&g out loud: wouldn't 1000 plateaus be great as an audio book? something to play in the background while driving or doing other work, and letting the concepts soak in by osmosis? maybe someone has already made one. wonder how brian massumi's reading voice sounds.

angela simione said...

roz, that is a million dollar idea!!!!! i would totally buy d&g on cd and just listen to it while i draw. maybe james earl jones!

i read it like poetry too. or some type of twisty and strange contemporary fiction. the second i start thinking 'oh wait... i'm supposed to be reading critically", it all falls apart.