these texts are an archive of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area from march 2007 - march 2015. it stands as a record of close to a decade of my life, charting the struggles i faced as an artist, daughter, and lover. messy and chaotic at times, eloquent and poetic at others, these texts are an index i am proud of. it was here in this electric box that i learned how to be honest about my experiences and the person i needed to become. it was here that i first learned the truism that words make the world and how to trust such a beautiful, rife, hard fact.

thank you for meeting me here in such tall grass.

my artist website is here.

May 23, 2009

CONVERSE love...

repair #3:

yes, duck tape. i love duck tape. i love converse. put them together and what do you got? punk rock. :) some people sneer, some people smile, but i am completely pleased. the poor kid chip on my shoulder is satisfied. i walk with my head held high, flying my blue-collar flag. this particular pair of chuck's are at least 6 years old... maybe more. they've been ridden hard. this is the 2nd layer of duck tape and the third round of sewing. next time i'll have to get some crazy glue involved. i'm gonna hold on to these forever. they've got a cool history and, truth be told, the more beat up a pair of converse are, the better. love, love, love! necessity is the mother. and what a big, warm, wonderful mother she is.

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